Monday, March 29, 2010

Out With My Boys

Monday is probably my favorite day each week. After a long Sunday with Doug at work all day (although we did get him for lunch yesterday), I love being together as a family and the break that brings to have Doug's help with the boys.
Koen and Doug went to the library to get some much needed fresh books as I've had a hard time getting there the last week or 2.
Then they came back for Tavin and I. I gave Tavin a bath while they were gone and he didn't cry at all! He loved it - smiled at me the whole time. It was a blast!
The boys and I headed to McKnight for some errands. We stopped at Aladdin's for lunch. Yum! Koen enjoyed a big boy glass of milk (we forgot his cup, oops) and the hummus. Doug was so helpful because Tavin was being tough not wanting to take a bottle from me and so Doug stayed calm, cool and collected and got him to take about 3 ounces. Yay!
Unfortunately, on the way home Koen totally melted down. We got a little too close to naptime. It is just so hard to time it right with both of their schedules. I get a little overwhelmed by that as I don't want to mess up either of their days, but I also am dying to get out and get some things accomplished!
Koen is still singing and talking and being silly in his crib, so I'm not sure he is going to settle down for a nap. Tavin is a little mixed up too since he fell asleep on the way home, which isn't normally a naptime for him. I'm hoping he calms down in a minute or 2 and sleeps until the 4pm feeding.

Tavin is definitely laughing now. So precious and adorable. I tried to catch it on video again, but he seems a little camera shy with this new ability. You get a glimpse of it, but it's not as hearty as he really does it. We'll keep working on it. But he is so cute anyways without it, I thought I would include the video anyways.

By the way, just a moment ago Tavin was in the Jungle Gym and he rolled from tummy to back all by himself! He did that when he was really young (like 2 weeks) as infants are apt to do, but he hadn't done it since. So this was the real deal. I was so impressed as we've been practicing! =)

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