Monday, March 22, 2010

Napping Update

For those of you that are interested to know how we are doing on the "tough love" through nap time woes, well, it is a huge success! Naptimes aren't perfect every time, but Tavin is totally learning to put himself to sleep and settle himself down. This morning he took a solid hour and a half nap. Yay! He usually has at least one full long nap like that a day, but sometimes we get more than one like that. I never go in and pick him up before his next feeding now (we do Babywise, so he eats, is awake, then sleeps, then eats again). I do visit him every few minutes if he is struggling to settle himself down, but the most I do is pat him on the tummy and tell him I love him. And I know that the "tough love" is totally OK and good for him because he is so much happier these days. No more bloodshot eyes by the end of the day. Plus, even after struggling through a nap, his waketime is full of smiles.

Thanks for all your support and prayers. We are settling into a nice routine. Not perfect, but much more manageable! I'm so grateful! Koen took until 4 months to show progress and didn't do really well with naps until 6 months, so I am rejoicing that between 2 and 3 months Tavin started figuring it out!

As for nighttime, he is pretty consistently waking up just once between 7pm and 7am. I let him cry out prior to 2am for a few nights and it seemed to have helped his tummy adjust to just one feeding in the middle of the night. I'm sure we'll still have some tough nights, but progress is so encouraging! Koen stopped needing to eat in the middle of the night at 4 months, so I'm hoping to get Tavin to that by next month too, but we'll see. I have to say, it all goes so much faster the 2nd time around with knowing what to expect, that I don't mind as much about getting up in the middle of the night.

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