Friday, March 19, 2010

Gramma's Trip Coming to a Close

We will be bidding farewell to Gramma tomorrow as she returns to NH after being with us about 10 days. It has been such a great time. We no longer have a lot of time for Boggle and Scrabble (two of our favorite games) with the two boys to put to bed, etc. But I just love having my Mom and one of my best friends around all the time. Not to mention the wonderful help she is with the boys and around the house. Grampa is missing her and I'm sure she needs a break from the Melder Family bedlum. =) Here's a sweet picture of Gramma and Tavin today. Tavin has really stolen her heart this time. He is super smiley these days, so he melts just about everyone's heart that makes eye contact with him.


  1. Aw, that's so sweet! Grandma's are the best!! I'm so glad that your mom could have a nice long visit with you guys! Give her a big hug for me. =)

  2. I did give her a big hug for you. We are already missing her today, but it is always good to get back into a normal routine (aka, real life!).

    Hope you guys are doing well!
