Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Toilet Training Woes

So, now that we are over the Tavin napping issues, we've managed to successfully transition Koen to a toddler bed, it is now time to complain about potty training. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not the first attempt. We had a solid attempt in both August and October. Both were a no go and I chocked it up to the fact that he wasn't the magical number 3 yet, as many of my girlfriends testified that when they turn 3, the light just turns on.

My son, Koen is very bright. Very with-it. I don't know what his problem is with this category of learning, but it is like he has something against learning to go and I am so, so frustrated!

We've already been through several pairs of underpants and pants. I'm so surprised he doesn't care one bit to see his clothes get all messy and he actually hasn't minded the time it takes to stop playing and put on a new outfit. What is it going to take?

I'm thinking tomorrow maybe my approach will be that if he lives on the toilet, maybe then he will go in it?? Thinking about putting the portable DVD player in the bathroom and letting him watch DVD's all day long and drink juice. Maybe then he will be relaxed enough (and full enough) to finally go where he is supposed to? I'm not necessarily super serious about this idea, but it does sound like it could work. I just don't know how to motivate Koen for this!

Any good pointers and FYI's would be appreciated. Thanks!

On a positive note, Tavin is doing awesome today. He slept in until 8am, then he took a two hour nap this morning and woke up to eat at 11:30am. Now he's been asleep since 2pm and I think I'm going to have to wake him to feed him in a few minutes. Amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if his eyes are open and he is sucking his thumb. He is starting to really do well and hanging out and appeasing himself with that. It is so cute to see him happily laying there with his thumb in his mouth. I'm so encouraged with how he's really fallen into a schedule (well, I should give myself and God a little credit). Yay, Babywise! I highly recommend it.


  1. I WISH I was a pro at potty training! We've done it with two children now, but both experiences came with lots of frustration and teeth-gritting.

    Are you kidding me? I totally did the potty-in-front-of-the-TV-with-yummy-juice tactic! =) I think I've done it all. With that being said, I don't have many tips or hints to offer, but I can offer encouragement! Just keep at it. He's going to have both great days and accident-filled days, but each day is part of the process. Then one day, you're going to realize that those accidents are becoming few and far between! Let me tell you, that realization makes for a GREAT day. =)

    Just remember, however long it takes is not a reflection of anything related to you or him. It's just this weird, quirky thing that God gave us to help build our patience. =)

    Here are the tips that worked best for us:
    1) Rewards - sticker chart on the fridge for Kenzie (you can print off fun ones) and miniature M & M's for Bella.
    2) Setting a timer and trying to go every 15-20 minutes. (That's a tough one to stay committed to, but it seemed to work well.)
    3) Prayer! We added, "...and please help so-and-so to stay dry ALL day and help Mommy to not get frustrated" to our daily prayer.

    Love you! You'll do a great job!

  2. Hi Val!

    Thanks so much for the much needed encouragement. Although, I have to say, the stories of it not happening magically overnight are still a little depressing. =)

    I didn't do the DVD thing as I'm afraid he will only do toilet time if he gets to watch one, so I'm waiting until further desperation.

    Koen made a little progress today. He was more interested in the process and going to the bathroom, but he missed it every time and I am currently juggling lots of laundry loads. He did have one tiny success after an accident, so I jumped at the chance to reward him so he would get a chance to celebrate and realize he won a matchbox car for it (well, really dollar store matchbox).

    Thanks for praying for us. I think that is the only way I'm going to make it through this awful, long process.

  3. Hi Amy - haven't got any first hand experience, but I have two friend who had great success with the wearing a t-shirt only and hanging out in the kitchen area with a little potty. Enjoy!! (and keep up the blogging, so I can reference next year :)

  4. Lydia,

    I don't know that I will be a great person to get advice from, but I hope maybe at least from reading the blog you can learn what not to do. =) It's a slow, slow process for us, but every kid is different. So, here's hoping Cooper loves it and learns it really fast! And keep us in your prayers - it is so, so nerveracking!
