Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monitor Madness

Last night was interesting. Here we have Tavin sleeping through the night and Koen is now making nights more interesting. Odd!

So last night we had friends over and Koen's monitor receiver was all staticy. In the fun of entertaining, we kind of forgot about it. As we were turning in, I remembered about it, so I went up to Koen's room thinking he had probably fiddled with it. I was right. He had changed the channel. So, I fixed it. Unfortunately, despite the fact he is an amazing and deep sleeper. He pops right up when I walk in his room. So, he says, "Hi Mommy" as I'm fixing the monitor. I tell him sternly not to touch it again. He said OK. I figured since he was in a sleepy stupor he would listen.

I went back downstairs and fell asleep. In the early morning hours I could hear through the monitor a faint crying/moaning. It was disturbing. I was afraid he had gotten sick. I went up to see him. Although he did pop right up again he was totally calm and didn't seem upset. Like it never happened. So, I told him to go back to sleep and went downstairs again.

Unfortunately, this weird crying/moaning continued and kept me from sleeping well the rest of the early morning worrying about him. It sounded like he was dreaming and crying in his dream or something.

Anyways, to make a very long, odd story a little shorter. He had actually turned his monitor base off in the night and therefore our monitor receiver was picking up another child somewhere in the neighborhood and Koen was actually quietly, happily sleeping. Ahhhhh!!!! So frustrating!

Tonight I'm hoping we do not have this happen again. So far so good. I didn't make a big deal of it today, hoping he would forget about his new trick. I also moved the monitor as far out of his reach under his bed as possible. We'll see...


  1. Tricky, tricky... sounds like he's inherited his grandpa's propensity for radios. ;-)

  2. I hadn't even thought of that, but you are so, so right. Hilarious! Grampa should be impressed! Good news is that he did not play with it the last two nights and he actually reported to me this morning that he did NOT touch his monitor. Yay! Another good night's sleep for me too as Tavin is doing awesome with sleeping 7pm to 7am!
