Saturday, April 3, 2010


I couldn't think of anything clever for the title. Just another day here. It's hot though! Record highs again. Cloudier today though and very breezy. We had a nice walk to the playground altogether today. Doug was actually there with us, so I was able to get a picture of Tavin in the Baby Bjorn. I have like a million of those with Koen, so I thought it was about time I got one of Tavin.
Koen had a late night last night as I had to put both boys to bed including giving Koen a bath, so the routine just took awhile and he laid down at 8:20pm. He slept until about 7:40am though which was great and he was happy and calm until about 9am when we finally went up. He and Doug made us all breakfast. He loves to help in the kitchen, but it always requires first putting on the apron and getting out the stepladder.
Doug loves to cook to music, so they had tunes on while they worked in there this morning. Koen was enjoying this added element and did a little dance to Coldplay. Check out his expressive hands. =)

Koen is hilarious when taking pictures with Tavin. I don't know why he thinks putting his hand on top of Tavin's head is like putting his arm around him. It looks so odd, but humorous, so I included one here.

1 comment:

  1. We will have to get this boy (Koen) to some outdoor concerts this summer so he can really dance it up and be cute!
