Sunday, October 21, 2012

Family Night at the Farm

Last night we had a great outing to Reilly's Summerseat Farm in the North Hills with our church and a bunch of friends from our neighborhood too.  That was our big outing of the day, but beforehand we had a nice laid back family day.  Tavin was down with the cold still and Doug was also still nursing his, so here's a shot of a moment of relaxation for the recovering boys watching a Handy Manny before heading out on some Daddy-time errands.
The errands left me with Penn for a little while.  I always enjoy that one-on-one time and I think he does too.  I got a lot of cleaning done, but also played with my little bud and yet again gave him a bath.  Here's a shot of him getting some tummy time at one point.
Ok, so back to our fun evening at the farm.  It was a questionable weather day at first, but thankfully it cleared and wasn't as cold as I thought it would be.  (But boy did I have everyone bundled with this cold the big boys are all fighting!).  The farm outing started 5:30pm.  The kids had some snacks (my boys were of course diving into the veggie tray...hilarious!).  They also did a little leaf craft (I totally forgot about how you can get the pattern of a leaf by rubbing a crayon over it when covered with paper...going to have to use this again).

Penn was adorable all bundled like a teddy.  He was huggable and holdable and was an easy pass-off (although I'm always happy to show him off myself).  He is definitely in that phase already where he gets all sad if I leave him with someone he doesn't know, but once he got distracted and comfortable with a sweet friend in our church community, he was all set and she enjoyed snuggling this adorable package!

The big attraction of the night for the kids was the tractor/hayride.  Tavin was so excited to finally ride a "row grass" (mow grass is the translation and that's his way of saying tractor).  Here are the boys piled in with some friends and Daddy of course (I stayed back with Penn).
And they're off!!
It was quite a long hayride.  They were gone about 30 minutes!  My boys loved it.  By the time they got back they were quite hungry, so Doug grilled everyone some hot dogs and they dove back into the food.  It was also pitch black at that time except for a few flashlights and campfires, so picture time was over.  It was a little chaotic watching active boys in the dark, so we had our hands full.  After we got everyone fed (including Penn), we hung out just a little longer and then we headed home around 7:30pm as most of the other families with young children were doing as well.  It was a great evening for our family and a really great turnout from the church which was fun to see.  Great job, NWO.  Looking forward to next year already!

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