Monday, September 26, 2011

We're All Back Together

Well, truly we were back yesterday afternoon, but as you can imagine we had our hands full unpacking, cleaning, getting the boys through the rest of their days, etc. I cannot go on without a quick ode to my travel buddy, Tavin. He is just amazing on the plane. He again slept after take-off and then he and I had a little picnic for lunch and after we finished that there was time for about 20 minutes of playing with his little cars I brought and we were landing in Pittsburgh.Koen was pretty high-strung yesterday and was super excited about us coming home, so he never settled down to nap. Thankfully he was quiet much of the afternoon and then played happily not knowing we were actually home busily getting unpacked, etc. Tavin, on the other hand, fell asleep hard and took a long nap despite his cat nap on the plane. I'm so happy he is naturally catching up (little does he know that he and I are off to Florida again next weekend to see my brother Phil, his wife Leah and their new daughter, Eleanor!). After naptime Doug took Koen on a bike ride and they ended up finding Delia on her bike. Doug offered to take her around with Koen and so the two little friends had a blast riding their bikes and playing at the playground. Here's the hilarious show they came up with for Doug...

They were having so much fun together that Doug invited Delia for dinner (he and Koen were making omelettes for Koen and Tavin). She was able to come. She did some crafts while Koen cooked her omelette. Pretty cute!The friends had a nice dinner (not to mention the brothers were pretty happy to be together again.We took the kids out to the backyard to spin off the last of the energy they had before bedtime. It was cute to see them all together. They got along great (and of course got a little silly which was entertaining).

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