Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Way Too Many Pictures For Just A Night In The Park

Just a normal day here. Morning walking trip to the library with some neighborhood friends that turned into a random major screaming tantrum for Koen. That was embarassing. We booked it home as he lost the privilege of being with other human beings. He spent some time cooling off in his room with no Teddy privilege either (Teddy doesn't like unpleasant 4 year olds either). After lunch he was much more himself and after nap even more so, so we headed to the playground. It was a little playing on the playground equipment,but mostly bike-riding and wagon-pulling...These pictures of Koen below are hilarious. I said, "Say Cheese" and this is what he does! What on earth?And back to Tavin hard at work (so hard at work that construction workers even stopped to comment on how impressive it was that he could pull the wagon up a hill!).Koen and Tavin found a ramp that was quite fun. Yep, that's right, just up and down and up and down and up and down. As you can see, Koen took a little spill, but no big deal...He was back up and going in seconds...We had a surprise drive by from Daddy. He was in the neighborhood between meetings and literally was driving by and spotted us (or perhaps heard me screaming Koen's name when he biked out of eyesight?). The boys were thrilled!Well, that is "all" the pictures from the playground. I like that simple life is that much fun that I can snap a bunch of pics of my cute boys, hopefully you do too.

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