Thursday, September 22, 2011

Off To Tampa (With A Few Unplanned Stops)

Doug is doing a wedding for a sweet couple from church. Lucky for us the wedding is in Clearwater, FL! Doug is the envy of his pastoral peers. Tavin and I got to tag along and Koen is home with friends. It's a quick trip, but it has all the makings of a potentially fun adventure.

Unfortunately, Tavin got a cold a few day goes and this morning was pulling on his ear. So amidst my crazy last minute packing, I also had to squeeze in a doctor's appointment (unplanned stop #1). Thankfully it was a quick one and the outcome was that Tavin's right ear was indeed red and could certainly turn into an infection (especially with the aggravation of pressure changes on the airplane rides). We got a prescription just to be safe (well, I'm just holding onto it as it unnerves me to give the meds to Tavin if it isn't yet an infection). Hopefully his health will clear up and he won't need them, but better safe than sorry when traveling for sure!

After getting home I scrambled to do the last few items on my things-to-do list before Doug came to pick up Tavin and I and Kassi came to hang out with Koen. Amazingly enough we got out the door a little before noon, right on time.

On our way to the airport I got a text from one of my bridesmaids, Corrie. She was actually coming into Pittsburgh for a wedding this weekend with her husband, Matt. Amazingly enough their arriving flight and our departure time worked out perfectly so that we were pulling into the airport just as they landed. We got to chat for a few minutes at ticketing while I fed sick Tavin some "Little Fevers" and waited for Doug to park the cars. It was awesome to see such a wonderful friend whom I hadn't seen in over a year. Although, it did leave me wishing we could stay and hang out with them in the Burgh!

Well, despite the temptation to stay, Tavin, Doug and I took off on our "direct" flight to Tampa on time. Why is "direct" in quotes? Well, unplanned stop #2 of the day was that when we were about 30 mins. outside of Tampa the pilots had to start flying around aimlessly waiting for some severe storms to pass. After doing that for what seemed like forever, they decided to go back up to Panama City Beach to refuel. We sat on the ground there for about a half hour and then took off again for Tampa (about a 50 minute flight). We finally landed in Tampa at 7:35pm (3 hours after our scheduled arrival). Unfortunately due to all the weather delays, there were no gates left, so we sat on the tarmac for another 30 minutes. I have to report though that Tavin was amazing this entire flight despite an irritated eardrum, a cough and the world's drippiest nose (not to mention his tummy is a little off if you know what I mean).People sitting near us on the plane couldn't say enough about how wonderful of a traveler Tavin is. I could only agree.

During our tarmac wait I did get a quick report from Kassi that everything at home is going well, here's a picture of Koen and "Mr. Joe" in a fort they must have built watching a Thomas DVD. Looks like fun!Well, we are here at the hotel now. Our room has quite an odd setup, so we made it even weirder with encapsulating Tavin's pack and play with some sheets to make it a little more private for him (i.e. so he doesn't wake up in the morning if I have to get up to go to the bathroom). Hopefully we all sleep long and hard. Tavin definitely deserves it!

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