Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Preschool Orientation Day for Koen!!

This year was soooo different from last as we approached the first day of school. Last year there was anxiety of the unknown, being left with a teacher and classmates Koen had never met in a new place... This year, it was exciting, comforting and a return to routine. Such a big transition and so much like the one in our little school boy. Here's two pictures of Koen from last year's orientation day... You can still see the baby in his face!Well, here is all grown up, checking in with his friends from last year, meeting his new teacher and showing Tavin around...Last year he cried when we left the room to go to the parent social time while the kids met with their teachers, this year he asked when Tavin and I would leave. It was great to see him so well acclimated and happy to be back at school. I'm excited for this year! Poor Tavin is going to have a hard time every time we drop Big Brother off and pick him up. Tavin loves Koen's classroom and all the exciting toys and stations. We've heard the teacher is pretty understanding about little siblings and they even invited Tavin to play for a few minutes in the mornings. Hopefully Big Brother won't mind!

Well, stay tuned for the actual First Day of Preschool 2011-12 post on Friday!

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