Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Beach Morning With The Bug

We are having fun just hanging out with Tavin. Koen would have been way overtired with the odd hours and we have been spending quite a bit of time in the hotel room and he would've just been bouncing off the walls! We miss him for sure, but we are so thankful he's been having his own fun time at home with friends (by the way, I will post momentarily about what he and Kylie have been up to...stay tuned).

We decided to bail on the lame continental breakfast today. We headed to this great nouveau diner, Diner 60 West, just a mile up the road from our hotel. Tavin was at first super excited about his eggs, but he quickly hit a momentary rock bottom. It was the tiredness finally showing itself. He pulled it together by the end of the meal though and we took him back to the hotel for some down time and so that we could pack up for the beach. Here's what I found my boys up to after I got done packing up and changing into my suit. Adorable!Tavin loved, loved, loved the beach again. He was more at ease there today and we managed him better between keeping him busy with little sand projects and taking him for dips in the ocean to cool off. He was actually willing to stay longer and play when we decided to pack it up and leave. We didn't want to push it though knowing that we still had to grab some lunch and get back to the hotel before naptime. Eating out gets old to me when you have to rely on it for practically every meal on trips like this, and I'm sure Tavin feels that way as well. He did awesome at lunch though. It was another outdoor patio with fans and shade, so we took in some more sea air and lovely beach views during our light lunch. Here's Tavin organizing the sugar packets and playing with the rental car keys. You know, keeping busy!
Here's a glimpse of the view. I love being at the ocean. Even just the few hours we've spent on the beach and in view of it have made all the craziness of quick trip with a baby totally worth it!
Well, it's naptime now and I'm praying Tavin sleeps all afternoon. We will probably have another somewhat late night for him in order to be at the beginning of the reception to meet and greet the family of the newlyweds, etc. I'm sure he'll manage fine, but plenty of rest would definitely work in our favor!

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