Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Children's Museum And A Picnic

After days of rain and a forecast for the same, we had made plans to go to the Children's Museum today. It actually ended up not raining at all, but was still cool, humid and overcast, so we were still thankful for the fun plans (of course, I managed to squeeze in a walk before we left, ahhh!).

On our way into the museum, we had to check in on the construction progress outside. I think the boys could have watched for 30 minutes.Tavin is just thriving in the interesting spaces at this museum. Since we had been her a few weeks ago, Tavin was acclimated and knew where to find his favorites. He stayed in the Smart Car in the Garage Works room for about 20 minutes!
Up on the "nursery" floor, Tavin found a great walking/push toy that he used for quite awhile. When he forgot about it and then found another child using it, there was quite a lot of complaining!The boys' favorite place in the museum is probably the water floor (although Koen loved playing pirate ship with a little girl he met down on the first floor, but didn't want to freak out the parents by snapping pictures of that). Anyways, today I decided to just take off of all of Tav's clothes so he wouldn't get soaked. He was very happy in his raincoat, diaper and crocs.Koen played well with him in the area (as Tavin has a way of hanging around Koen and trying to mimic all that he is doing). Here's a pic and a video of the little plumbers. Koen is really, really into the project he's working on. Tavin thinks he is hilarious in making the water squirt everywhere.

Since I noticed that the sun was starting to shine ocassionally, I knew we had to get outside on the way home. Thankfully I had packed the boys' lunch and so we went to Arsenal Playground. I literally have not been to this playground since before Tavin was born! The boys were the only kids there and they loved having a new playset to explore and conquer. Tavin was a little serious trying to keep up with brother (not to mention I think he was getting a little tired!).Koen was super excited about jumping off of an area of the playground equipment. He was so proud of himself...We had a fantastic day being out of the house after some days of cabin fever. Tomorrow looks like good weather, so I'm sure we will head out for most of the day again. So excited the rain has passed for now!

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