Friday, September 23, 2011

My Little Trooper

Tavin impressed us again. He slept all night (which at home is no big deal, but on the road and sick? that's impressive!). He did make some really weird noises and coughed some that woke me up a bunch, but we were all so tired, we slept on. Here's the bright and cheery pajama'd boy before breakfast.And here he is after breakfast. Even happier!Hanging out with Pastor Daddy (preparing for the wedding) , on the couch. It looks like Tavin is deep in thought or even kneeling and folding his hands to pray, but really what happened is that he dropped his truck between the couch and the desk.After our slow wake up and lame continental breakfast, our dear friend Alyssa came over to come to the beach with us. Alyssa is a Pittsburgh friend who's been living in Florida for 3 years. It was so wonderful to introduce her to Tavin, catch up on life for all of us and be at the beautiful beach together. I love those friendships where you can just pick up where you left off. Ours with Alyssa is definitely one of those!

Here's our little beach bum, loving being back in the sand and the waves.
Then we had a totally beach bum lunch where Tavin made it through despite now being very tired, quite warm and the drippy nose had returned. Doug and I definitely enjoyed sitting outside, chatting with Lys and devouring some super fresh and tasty mahi mahi fish tacos with mango salsa and guacamole. Yum!Thanks for driving up to visit us, Lys. We had a great morning with you. Gotta run now, Tavin is up from his nap. Thankfully he slept for almost 3 hours. He really, really needed it!

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