Friday, September 2, 2011

Backyard Show

Tonight the boys were playing in the backyard while I finished the dinner dishes. I peeked out at them and saw that Koen had set up about a dozen white fold-out chairs for a "show." I told him I'd grab the camera and record the show. I immediately sat down and pressed record. Koen had run into the corner and Tavin was following. I'm unable to release that video though because turns out Koen was relieving himself on the tree in the corner of the yard. So, I put the camera down, asked him to please use the toilet next time and then said that he should come do the show. So, here's the next take...

I think it's so cute how he does these songs. I love when I ask him to do "broadcast", he thinks it says "protest." Precious! Did you like Tavin's attempt to dance? He's been off-balance all day. I wonder if he's having a growth spurt or something that is messing with his center gravity.

Here's another take we tried. Tavin just wants to see the camera and Koen is performing the "I've Got Wheels" song from a story/music CD we have.

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