Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Last Official Day of Summer Break

So, today I thought it would be fun to celebrate that summer break has come to a close. Koen heads back to preschool tomorrow (well, orientation day at least, real first day on Friday). My plan was to get Koen a haircut for his first day tomorrow, then go to Mellon Park for play and a picnic and then on our walk back hit "Oh Yeah!" on S. Highland for a little ice cream to finish off our celebration.

Before we got our day going this morning, Koen wanted to do a little craft project. Tavin, of course, also wanted to color. See here how he's seeing what his brother does...So cute! Koen also, very cute when he's really working hard on a craft project. Today he was drawing grass, trees, flowers and his school. He likes to test out all his crayons before using them to see what color it really is.

The boys also had a little dance party to Koen's Veggie Tales CD about sharing. Check out these awesome Melder Boy moves (yeah, we shouldn't be allowed to dance in public ever)...

So, once we got ready to go, you'll remember that the first planned stop was for a haircut. This wasn't just any haircut. This was Koen's first haircut at a hairdresser shop. He was a little nervous, but I was actually super impressed that he was actually quite brave. I think the fact that Tavin was dying to get in the chair and have his hair (well, can we call it that yet?) cut too kept Koen motivated enough. Even Tavin thinks it looks like fun, maybe it is?>So serious! He looks like he's bracing himself for it to be painful. =)I don't have a picture of the finished product (oops!), but Michelle at Hairdressers II on S. Highland did a great job. They are a small operation and it is very comfortable and friendly there. Not to mention they only charge the dollar amount equal to the age of your child!

So, next stop was Mellon Park. The boys really like coming to this playground every once in awhile. It's a different enough setup that they are really intrigued. Koen loves the merry-go-round. He spent the first 20 minutes giving kids rides.Tavin figured out how to do the covered tunnel slide all by himself! He was so proud of himself and did it over and over again. Such a big boy!After about 40 minutes of play, the boys were ready for their simple picnic lunch. We had a fun surprise during their run-and-eat and eat-and-run picnic (seriously, it's like a to-go bar on a bench when I feed them at a park!), Daddy dropped by to say hi! The boys were so excited. Tavin was especially thrilled and was quite clingy with Daddy wanting to show him the slide. Daddy accompanied us (and gave us a ride) to "Oh Yeah!" back on Highland. The boys went in to order the ice cream with him and I stayed outside guarding the stroller. About 5 minutes later Koen comes out screaming with huge tear drops hitting the ground. What happened? They don't have chocolate! Sometimes I think Koen goes off the deep end, but under the circumstances, I was totally understanding and empathetic. Chocolate is his favorite and really the only kind he ever gets. We had built it up all morning as our summer break celebration and a reward for getting his haircut. Then there is no chocolate? (May I mention here...what ice cream shop doesn't have chocolate????!!!!!). Thankfully we got him calmed down and a scoop of a brown-colored ice cream with chocolate as an ingredient and it faired OK. Here's his less than impressed face...Tavin was easier to please and he and I shared a chocolate chip milkshake. He loved it! Here he is after we polished it off, keeping an eye on the traffic.By the time we got back from our celebrations, it was just about naptime. It was a good thing too because I am really suffering from either some crazy Fall allergies or some nasty head cold. Either way, it was time for me to not be pushing a stroller, gear and heavy boys up a hill! Well, gotta go get the guys up. We are off to the store to pick up mommy's allergy medicine. Hopefully this will lick it! Oh yes, and goodbye Summer Break, hello School Year!!!!

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