Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dapper Tavin

Tavin and I made it to the wedding (we were unsure if we would if he napped long and Doug couldn't get us, but it worked out that Tavin woke up right when Doug could pick us up, so we threw our dress clothes on and headed out the door.

When we arrived at the wedding spot, we had some time to kill so we walked around in the gardens and fountain area. It was a really interesting venue, so I'm glad we got to enjoy it.Tavin let me push him around for awhile, but as you can see he soon wanted to get down and check it out for himself.Here's a picture of my handsome little man.And here's the best picture I got of the two of us trying to take it myself while also trying to keep him sitting there.He did pretty well at the wedding although we spent most of it listening from an adjoining room. I didn't mind though. He's had to deal with so much out of the ordinary, I was just thankful he wasn't losing it and we could still hear most of it (not to mention he got hilariously slap happy and I think my kid is so cute I just enjoy watching him!).

We didn't make it to the reception. The event looks to be a long one and Doug was able to take us back to the hotel while the bride and groom had their pictures taken. He's doing the prayer at the dinner, so he's back at the reception taking it all in and reporting back via text. I'm looking forward to my to-go box whenever he gets home. =)

Hopefully Tavin takes full advantage of the fact he got to bed almost on time tonight and is well-rested for our travels home tomorrow. I am quite confident he'll be fine either way though with how the rest of the trip has gone. Thanks for all of you praying for us on this quick getaway and another thank you to Kassi and Kylie caring for Koen back home!

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