Friday, September 9, 2011

Odd Job Day

Today was a full day. We scheduled a plumber, our furnace checkup and a blinds repair all for this morning. After Doug saw all those people into the house and we had all our had our family breakfast of pancakes, Doug and Koen headed to Home Depot. During this time Tavin and I just got to play on the 3rd floor away from all the workmen. We got to read books, cuddle and play trains. It reminded me of how much fun it's going to be to have one-on-one Tavin time again when Koen goes to preschool starting next week!

Doug and Koen returned from Home Depot with some simple supplies for a few small house projects. Koen ran upstairs to put on his toolbelt and Doug laid down on the couch. It's a good thing I have Koen around to keep Doug motivated to get the job done!!Since the boys were back to oversee the workmen, Tavin and I got to go out on a run. He's such a little pal. He gets excited to go in the stroller on a run (he's sort of starting to talk, so I actually think he does really like it because he sort of said so).It's so weird taking just Tavin on a run or a walk. It's so quiet. Koen usually asks penetrating, ear-splitting questions every second. Tavin occassionally points and "eh, eh"'s, but that's it. We had a nice run enjoying the overcast, cool day (although humid, so I was pretty gross when we got home!). The Tavin time continued when we got home as Doug and Koen took some dear friends to the airport and Tavin and I took made-at-home lunch to go to Target for a big shopping trip. Again, so weird to just have one in the cart at the store. Definitely easier!

Koen and Doug had a nice trip to the airport. He really cares for Megan and Sky. Here's a picture of he and "Mr. Sky" in the backseat on the way out.When Doug got home before naptime with Koen we were both quite impressed with all we got done, but yet we both felt like it wasn't stressful. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that we played man-to-man defense while getting these things done as opposed to our usual zone approach.

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