Friday, September 2, 2011

Dentist Appointment for Koen

Today Koen had a dentist appointment. I try to make it sound fun, but really, in my opinion, the dentist is no fun. It's awkward, uncomfortable and doesn't taste good. Koen was a trooper though. I had to check us in and the hygenist asked Koen to go back to the room with her. I couldn't believe he did that. When I got back there she already had him in a bib and laying back in the chair. I was really surprised he didn't lose it. He is pretty much laying in the fetal position while he gets his teeth cleaned, poor guy.After the cleaning (no cavities, yay!), they wanted him to do flouride. It didn't really happen as they had planned. He was not happy about the styrafoam tray shoved in his mouth despite the hygenist's efforts to make it sound so exciting, delicious and fun (I remember the stuff, it's so not any of those things). I thought maybe Koen was going to throw up, so I was happy the hygenist didn't push it and let it be a pretty weak application. Maybe next time. Although, Koen has already told me several times that he does not want to go back to the dentist. All in all, though, it really was a good experience. The dentist blew up a latex glove into a balloon for him, he got a toothbrush and was also so sweet to ask for one for Tavin (they just melted when he did that on his own accord). He also scored two gifts from the treasure chest on our way out.

While we were at the dentist (and then running a few errands), Doug was at home with Tavin. We have some house guests right now that are in town doing a concert this weekend, so Doug was talking to our guests and Tavin was playing happily in the living room by himself. Doug was so impressed with how hands off he was. At one point though he pulled out the piano bench, opened the door to the keys and got up on the bench and started playing the piano all by himself. Doug said it was perfect since these guests are musicians. It was like Tav was trying to fit in and impress them.After Tavin was done entertaining our guests, Doug took him out for a wagon ride. It's a high of 96 here today, so that didn't last very long.Koen and I had planned to go to the pool due to the heat, but we were missing Daddy and little brother, so we called and invited to pick them up. It was a good call. We had a nice little family time before heading back to the house for lunch. Doug has a busy 10 days ahead, so we won't be seeing much of him, I was so glad a little Daddy time worked out for both the boys today.

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