Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's Stick To The Good Stuff

So, the last 24 hours have been intense. That's why I haven't blogged despite the fact we've had some fun surrounding quite a troubling moment last night. I might as well just put it out there...we had someone break into our home when I was home with the boys. Thankfully by God's grace and protection we were not harmed, but it the emotional strain has been more difficult than I anticipated. Thankfully we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of our neighbors and church community. We are overwhelmed with God's provision of wonderful friends to support us through such an alarming situation.

So, now, on to the good stuff. Yesterday morning, before the craziness, we went to Koen's friend's house. They have a fantastic back yard with a tree house, sand box and lots of trucks. The boys were so excited! Oh yeah, the best part was that they had this mini go-cart roller coaster. In itself the toy isn't super exciting, but they have it on a hill and the go-cart just rolls down the slide and then all the way down the slope. Koen and Tavin loved it! At first it was kind of a thing to fight over, but eventually the big boys got into some other projects and Tavin got it all to himself. Check out the video footage!

Later on, Tavin got into some other projects too. Both my sweet boys loved playing with little guys their age and enjoyed some new toys.Thanks so much, Allison. You are a lovely hostess and your boys are fabulous at sharing all their fun toys!

Now, today, with a shaken up mommy who really didn't want to spend much time at the house, I picked Koen up from nursery school with a picnic lunch packed and we headed to a park to get some energy out and take in some fresh air until naptime. Koen and Tavin really played well together today. It was really sweet and fun to see them enjoying one another so much. A glimpse of the best friends they are becoming and the playmates they will be.Naptime was safe and sound and our dear friends Sean and Jen brought us dinner which was a wonderful show of support and greatly appreciated that I didn't have to plan a meal in my off-kilter state. I feel a lot better tonight and I'm looking forward to another new day tomorrow. Thanks to all our friends and family near and far who have sent emails, texts, left voicemails and said prayers for our family. It is so comforting.

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