Friday, September 9, 2011

Pirates Game for Koen & Daddy

Continuing on our "man-to-man" defense, Doug had plans to take Koen to the Pirates game tonight. Doug had been pumping him up about it since last night. Koen was so excited! So excited that I'm not sure he slept at naptime. He started talking at 3pm and even mentioned into the monitor, "Hey Mommy, I'm putting my jersey on for the ball game."

Doug is officiating a wedding this weekend and had to oversee the rehearsal tonight. Since Koen was already up, he figured he would just take him along and keep him busy in his office during the rehearsal. Then they could go straight to the game afterwards.

Koen was a trooper and was excited even about this new part of the adventure. Well, it wasn't that hard of a sell since he got to watch a Dinosaur Train show on Doug's laptop.After the rehearsal finished, the boys took off for the ballpark. Here are the adorable pictures I received during the night.
Looks like they had a pretty good night. Upon arriving home at 8:30pm, Doug had the following comments to sum up the night. "He was great." "It was obvious he had no nap." "That kid asks questions every second." "After we had been there about 20 minutes the people around us all cleared out." "Every time the announcer said something Koen would say, 'What did he say, Daddy?'" Doug is such a good sport and such a fun Daddy!

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