Sunday, September 11, 2011

Great Nana Visit

Although it was a short stay, it was a fantastic one. I always love seeing the boys reunite with extended family. It is such a special bond and always make me so happy to see them recognize their grandparents and feel automatically comfortable with them. Tavin was saying, "nanananana" while we waited for her arrival yesterday and once he saw brother embrace her, Tavin was golden. He knew someone special was here! Tavin actually woke up early from his nap and then was scared by the freakishly hard rainstorm that happened around that time. So, I let him get up early and hang out with Nana while I finished up some work. He was so sweet showing off for her and then even snuggling up and reading some books with her on the couch. Special moment!
Koen had a blast with Nana here as well. He was super excited about some toys his cousins had grown out of and sent along specifically for he and Tavin. That kept him busy yesterday afternoon after nap and then again this morning (you should have heard the story he had going on in his room between 7 and 8am!). Before we went to the late morning service at church we got the boys out for some exercise (they were bouncing off the walls!). Koen loved showing off on his bike for Nana.Tavin mostly chilled out in the wagon, but also pulled it along for awhile all by himself.

Nana headed home after laying Koen down for his nap (thanks for staying to help with lunch and nap lay down, Nana!). It was a great day with you, Mom. Come again soon!

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