Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trip to the Farm

Yesterday afternoon we woke the boys up from their naps an hour earlier than usual, jumped in the car and headed out to the deep South Hills. Our friends from church have a lovely home and property that they enjoy sharing. They invited us to make plans for a visit a few weeks ago and we've been looking forward to it ever since. We also brought along Pastor Bryan, his wife, Julie, and their two girls. These are the girls that Koen calls "the grills" and on the way he says, "yeah, their my friends, well, Tav's my friend too. I have lots of friends."

Koen was ready to hit the ground running when we arrived! Farmer Ted, as we call him, emerged from the garage and Koen was already asking when could he go in the boat, etc. And first Farmer Ted had another surprise...a dune buggy!Koen was pretty excited about riding in the vehicle. He actually didn't get to go very far in it due to some mechanical difficulty, but he didn't care. It was fun enough to hear the loud motor, wear a helmet, be strapped in and move a little bit.So, we headed down the steep hill to the fish pond. The boys setting up...Kyra holding a worm! Tavin looks like he's pointing at it, but he's actually "talking" a mile a minute about the water.Tav was very interested in the boat even before it got into the water...Koen and Doug are fishing and do you see the little guy trying to get involved?We put Koen in a life jacket as the boat was being prepared to get into the water. Tavin freaked out because he wanted to go too. So, we strapped a jacket on him as well. I think at this point he was already thinking the experience looked better than it would be to participate in.When the boat pushed off he just started crying, "ma ma ma ma." I went over to the shore to pick him up so the other guys could enjoy their ride without Tav whining. Poor little guy.After the time down at the fish pond, we hiked back up the hill to the horses! Tavin loves animals and he was calmed by them and interested in petting them which was sweet to see.Koen, of course, was just ready to ride!Koen was a lot more brave than when we visited the farm last year. He was anxious to ride and sat firm in the saddle right away. When the horse shifted its weight the first time though he go a little nervous so he wanted me to walk alongside of him as the horse was walked in circles.In between rides, Koen got to groom the horses. Our friends own 4 horses, all girls. They are all so sweet and patient with these little kids.Koen let me ride with him when he went on the larger horse. I loved, loved, loved it! I was one of those girls growing up who wanted horses so badly. I imagined I owned them, I read books about them, my sister and I would even pretend our bikes were our horses (am I revealing too much here?). After seeing Big Brother on a horse with Mommy, we thought Tavin might be willing to give it a try. And amazingly enough, he did! I was so excited!After all these fun outdoor activities we all headed inside for a delicious meal provided by our gracious hosts. Tavin laid down right around dinner time, but Koen got to stay up and eat dinner with the adults (and "the grills" of course), play some more and watch a movie. We adults got to chat for awhile since the kids were busy. It was such an enjoyable evening. We were so blessed by the amazing hospitality of these lovely friends.

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