Saturday, September 24, 2011

Special K Weekend Continues

To get Koen all psyched up for his weekend at home, I named it "Special K Weekend" because he was spending one day with Kassi and two days with Kylie. He loved the sound of this! This morning I talked to him on the phone and he said, "Mommy, are you having fun? I'm having a great time. I don't miss you at all." Perfect!

Kylie is a sweet friend we met through church (she actually interned there last year), she's now a teacher and is just amazing with kids. We are so thankful she is giving up her weekend to hang out with Koen. This morning she took Koen to Voluto as she needed to fuel up on caffeine for sure as hanging out with a bright, talkative kid like Koen can require a recharge!Kylie's boyfriend Daniel joined them for the bike ride excursion to the coffee shop, apparently Koen and Daniel get along well too.Koen found a fun little friend there to peek in on...And oops! is that a kiss Koen Douglas! Gotta say it's pretty cute!I'm not sure what else they've done today, but I'm sure it's been fun for Koen he loves the special attention and one-on-one time with these special people who care for him. Thanks so much, Kylie!

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