Monday, September 12, 2011

Backyard Babies

Today we had plans to have Aunt Jen (of Sean & Jen) and Aunt Megan (Koen & Tavin's godmother) over for lunch with their babies, Michael and Alex respectively. Beforehand we went on a long walk to run some errands and stopped at a playground for some playtime. We got back in time for Koen to help me prep our snacky lunch (it was his best behavior of the morning, this kid just lunges back and forth between an angel and a very frustrating difficulty). Anyways, we just had to eat outside because the weather was beautiful this morning. My kids kind of hovered around the food and played with the trucks (and Koen pretty much played with the boundaries of proper behavior the entire time...and of course little brother followed him in just about every way, ugh!). Here's the only picture Iwas able to catch of my guys...The babies were a lot easier to photograph and a lot more obedient! Here's a picture of adorable Alex... And moving Michael - he already crawls all over the place!
And here they both are just being so cute. I miss this stage of baby life already!Now, our meal-time entertaining with backyard babies didn't end with lunch. This morning I got the idea to invite our neighbors Hilary and Alex and their kids to come over for dinner since I was planning to make a big family dinner anyways. They were able to come despite the last minute notice. The kids got to play in the backyard with new sand Doug poured out for them (Koen and Delia were really into building things, Huck and Tav were more into scooping dirt...that's about it). We ate inside, but the rest of the time we enjoyed the beautiful evening in the backyard with these little friends. They all play so well together. Huck and Tav do parallel play, but are both distracted with one another so they are less apt to get in trouble with their older siblings. Koen and Delia play together working off of one another. Doug, Hilary and I (Alex had to work) actually got to sit and chat for awhile while this was all going on.And here's a funny picture of my buddy Tavin who couldn't get enough zucchini bread breaks at the table. He cracks me up!Hilary and the kids left a little before 7pm, so our boys got to bed around normal time. I had to include the picture below of Koen at bedtime. He took a shower, got in his pajamas and then he and Doug did one "story" with his trains and the fire truck Nana brought from his cousins (definitely a new favorite!), not to mention he's wearing a crown they gave out at Kidz Church on Sunday when discussing King David. He's just so cute (despite how much he frustrated me today).

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