Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trooper the Pooper

I couldn't resist naming this post so literally. The best description of Tavin for this trip is Trooper certainly (I'll explain the second half later). Last night was the rehearsal dinner and it was supposed to start at 7pm, Tavin's bedtime. We took him along with realistic expectations and good attitudes that we would all just make it work. Tavin was on the same page for sure. We were one of the first cars that arrived and we knew that was a bad sign that the meal would not be served in a timely fashion. Before I get to the rest of the story, here's Tavin and Daddy upon arrival...cheerful, cute and clean.After keeping Tavin in the banquet hall for about 20 minutes (and he was getting pretty loud and slap happy) and no food was served and not even all the guests had arrived, I decided to take Tavin on a walk. Turns out we took a walk for over an hour. He was very chill on the walk and looked like he would just fall asleep at any minute. Doug texted us around 8:20pm that the food was ready and we ate at 8:30pm. Tavin was the talk of the table making friends with the pretty girls and making the guys laugh. He didn't eat a bite, poor guy. So tired and turns out the poor kid was sitting in a very large mess that I had no idea he had worked on during our long walk. He sat there in it all through dinner and then through Doug's little schpeel that he and the couple getting married did for about 15 minutes. What a good boy! I picked him up as we were packing up to go and I thought I smelled something. When I readjusted him to get him in his car seat I not only smelled something, but felt something all over my hand. It was a complete mess up his back. We stripped him in the parking lot (yeah, real classy, I know, but I wasn't about to take him back into the hall dripping with that stuff!), cleaned him up, diapered him and he rode home in his skivvies. Super cute actually. He didn't get to bed until about 9:30pm and fell asleep right away. Thankfully he again slept all night until normal wake up time. What a good boy!

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