Friday, July 8, 2011

Good Morning, Daddy!

Koen now totally gets it that Doug goes to work most days and then there are the glorious "days off" that we all look forward to. Koen is always so excited for Doug's days off and Tavin is just plain excited to see Daddy at any point during any day. This morning Doug got Koen up and I got Tavin. Then I brought Tavin over to Koen's room and he wanted to join Big Brother and Daddy in the chair for a story. So precious.

After breakfast I had some things to do so that we could get on with our day, so Doug took the boys up to the playroom for some Daddy Time (a favorite for all). The boys did really well today and stayed pretty under control (sillyness can often take over when Daddy is around). Check out this video where Tavin gets Koen going on some morning exercises...

Here are some pictures from playtime with Daddy...
Big Brother Koen teaches "Tool Man Tav" how to work the "key house", a favorite toy of Koen's when he was Tavin's age:I feel like this picture looks like Tavin's thinking, "well, if Brother can do this, I'm sure I can figure it, if I just put this key..."Thanks, Babe, for hanging out with our cute boys. I know it started all of us off on the right foot this morning. Our boys just love their Daddy Time (and Mommy needs some peace and quiet occasionally to get things done!).

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