Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Day

Well, today was Koen's first snow day of the 2011-2012 school year. It's laughable actually that school was closed today. Growing up in NH, a day like today would never have meant a school delay let alone a closing. The snow stopped at midnight and the roads were treated when we woke up. It was frigid, but nursery school isn't supposed to be cancelled for that reason since they do not rely on buses to transport the kids. I was quite frustrated at first, but thankfully it was Doug's day off, so I had the relief that at least Daddy and I could tag team. Koen was thrilled he had an extra "day off." Doug and I were actually expecting some friends for brunch since we thought we'd just have Tavin with us, so we just added a place at the table and involved Koen in the prep process. Koen helped me make muffins and cooked an omelet with Doug. Tavin saw brother on his step stool and felt he needed a big boy job too. I let him help me wash dishes, which has become a new pastime for the little guy. All he does is holds his hands under the running water while I try to wash the dishes in the stream as well. If I make the water stop flowing on his hands, he gestures for me to move. Hilarious. Not exactly an efficient way to get the dishes done!After our friends left around noon, Doug and Koen suited up in lots and lots of layers and headed out with the sleds to Mellon Park. Koen and Doug got out last night when the snow was falling too to shovel, but we didn't get any pictures. Here's our little snowman...And here's a video of the accomplished sledder...

Tavin and I stayed home where it's warm and where he can move (I don't think he will enjoy snow play this year, last time he couldn't move enough in all the layers and puffy clothing). We colored with markers and then he covered himself with Thomas stickers. Look how intent he is! Precious!
So, it turned out to be a great day despite my negative attitude about Koen's school cancellation. Although I do need to mention that Tavin woke up way, way, way too early from his nap, but thankfully he's now finally chilling out again and not complaining too much about still being in rest time.

Tonight we invited some friends whose husbands are out of town to visit for dinner (Doug's speaking engagement got cancelled) and we are looking forward to watching the boys play with their buddies, sharing pizza and chatting with friends to finish off this snow day.

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