Sunday, January 22, 2012

Braly & Melder Boys Passing the Time

We had a good deal of time with Daddy out of the house (and with the car) this weekend and my friend, Kyndal, had her husband out of town for the weekend, so we figured we would be better off to spend time together with all of our little boys rather than tough it out alone on our own turfs. It ended up being a fabulous distraction and diversion for the boys and for us. Kyndal and I could talk for hours and it was nice to catch up and discuss ourselves, our boys and life in general. The boys played very well together spending about an hour up in the playroom before we came down for lunch. Here are the hungry little guys!Koen was actually not himself, just very tired from a rough night of congestion and coughing, nothing serious, just lost sleep, poor guy. But he managed to be a pretty good host to his little buddies despite it. Here he is letting the younger ones play with a Marble Works creation he made to show off to Kaiser. I was very impressed that he would share and let them play with it.Tavin and Porter actually enjoyed the Marble Works the most. The both love watching the marbles spin. Don't worry, we kept a close eye that none of those marbles got into their mouths!Kyndal headed home and we headed up for naptime. Koen was relieved, poor guy. He was so exhausted! Tav was also tired, but unfortunately woke up super early from his nap, but he did OK being happy until normal wake up time, so that worked out OK. Thanks, Kyndal, for coming out amidst our messy, slushy roads. It was great to have friends over (for me and the boys!).

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