Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Koen's First Day of Lunch Bunch

Koen's nursery school offers a Lunch Bunch program where your child can attend school an extra hour, eating lunch with their friends and then having extra playtime. Doug and I had opted not to do this to be frugal last semester, but now that Doug needs the car every Wednesday and all our neighborhood friends that are carpool options do Lunch Bunch on Wednesdays, we went for it for the Spring Semester. Koen was thrilled! He had been asking to attend lunch with his friends for months. It has other benefits too...practice for Kindergarten and Tavin and I get 4 hours without Koen instead of 3 (that sounds really bad, but really we both enjoy the one-on-one special time after every other moment with Koen!). Koen came down to breakfast all ready to pack up his lunch. He rejected the lunch bag I thought he would want and opted for a Thomas lunchbox. He looks like an advertisement for HIT Entertainment's Thomas & Friends with his PJ's and lunchbox!Tavin wanted to be just like brother and brought down another Thomas lunchbox (thankfully we have two puzzles that came in these boxes). He carried the lunchbox around with him everywhere today. Adorable!After breakfast on nursery school mornings, Koen is a blur of activity putting on his outfit, brushing teeth, using the bathroom, etc. Tavin got right to work on his newest favorite task. He sweeps!Koen, hates to be left out, so he had just enough time to sweep a little too. I'm not about to say no to this activity. =)Koen rode off with his friend to nursery school so pumped for his Lunch Bunch adventure awaiting him. Tavin and I had a great morning hanging out at home playing (I didn't even multi-task that much), we Skyped with Grampa for 20 minutes, played some more and headed out on a walk to Whole Foods. On the way home we stopped at the playground to play. Tavin loves this jungle gym lately and today was no exception. We were there for about 40 minutes. I kept peeking at him from under the slide. He loved it. So cute! I grabbed my camera to hopefully catch his hilarious laughter, this is as close as I got.Tavin and I got home and unpacked our gear, made lunch, ate it (man he can eat!) and then cleaned up before brother got home. Tavin was waiting at the door with his lunchbox in hand. Koen arrived in great spirits so thrilled about his experience at school. It was completely positive. Although he has requested a "snacky lunch" instead of PB&J for next week already (is this peer pressure already?).


  1. Are you allowed to take PB?? Enjoy that!! I have to make sure we're stocked up on sunflower seed butter (non-tree nut) for Alex's school.

  2. I totally forgot about that actually. Koen's classrooms both last year and this year are allergy free, which seems amazing these days. His lunch bunch buddies are from other classes, though, so I'll have to ask about that. Oops!
