Thursday, January 12, 2012

Report for Daddy, Day 1

Doug left this morning after a quick breakfast with the boys to head to NYC for a few days. The rest of the blog post I will write as a little report for him...

Oh, Douglas, you missed out on quite a day (maybe you should count yourself lucky you were on a megabus and not at home). The boys were sad to see you go, so I thought, well, why don't we watch Daddy catch the bus from the window? Surely this would be a fun distraction. Look how cute they look!Then when you stepped into view, Koen just completely lost it crying and going on about how he didn't want you to leave. Yes, I know, you could hear it through the window. Weren't you oh so proud that the other bus-waiters could see your precious (although very sad) boys?It wasn't long before Tav was joining in and was also sad about Daddy leaving (or was it just peer pressure and he wasn't sure what was going on exactly)? I asked the boys to come away from the window, but they wouldn't so I just prayed the bus would get to the corner quickly so we could be done with the dramatics. I'll miss you too, baby, but I held my tears in. Someone had to be strong. =)

After all that the boys were hungry for more cereal. Go figure. Then when Koen started getting sad again I distracted him with helping me vacuum the 2nd floor. Worked like a charm. He loves noisy machines!

Then we were on the right track and our day was officially getting started. I got the boys dressed and out the door (after another snack) at about 10:40am. We headed to the Squirrel Hill library for a change of pace and some much needed winter reading material. The boys really enjoyed it there (although the ride over was nerve-racking since they got into one of their silly/screechy moods, you know what I'm talking about). After a quick stop at the bank across the street, where I must add the teller loved the sound of the cash envelope system, we headed back to the car and over to Target. Things were going quite well there (especially with so many things on clearance!) until we got into the check out line. The boys again got silly. Tough to say who started it or who made it worse (I'm talking about the boys here, not myself), but it was frustrating because any correction I attempted didn't work. People must think I'm one of those people that don't enforce discipline at home. But that's just the thing, you know me, babe, I'm the enforcer, the disciplinarian...where is my payoff????? Anyways, Target was so frustrating that I cried the drive home and sent Koen to his room right away until lunch, then I proceeded to cry while I made their lunch (they didn't realize, but they had spinach, tear and cheese quesadillas today). Koen got a stern talking to before he came down for lunch and things went a little more smoothly before naptime. New library book day is always one of my favs anyways, so I perked up a bit reading the boys their new stories before their naps.

Naptime flew by, but was rejuvinating with productive cleaning, some PC work and cutting out paper snowflakes for an attempt to add a little umphf to the winter decor. After nap was a lot better too. Well, for awhile.

Koen helped me finish making the soup for small group (it was so good, but it's completely gone, sorry!). Tavin was coloring while we did that. Unfortunately though he tumbled out of the stool onto the tile with a crash and a scream. We spent about 10 minutes recovering...walking, singing and snuggling. Then the boys had a yummy dinner of peas, soup, bread and blueberries. During dinner Tavin started rubbing his head, so I was totally worried about him. I came in for another look and I discovered a gash and an egg at the back of his head. So sad! I called Dr. Megan of course and she came over for a consultation during bathtime. All signs show that he is completely fine though with his good appetite, chasing and running with brother while flying paper airplanes after dinner and looking super cute in his bath towel. Gotta say I'm happy that Dr. Megan is also spending the night (that's for me though as I'm quite the scaredy cat these days to stay here alone over night). Just checked on Tav before I turned in and he's adorable and sweet, so looking good.

Small group was great and we all missed you. I'll have to catch you up on our discussion when you get back. Love you, hope you are having a great time!

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