Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Huck Visits for a Morning

Tavin's best buddy (you know when I say that that no one tops his big brother though) came for a visit for a few hours this morning. Huck and Tavin really enjoy spending time with each other. It's so sweet. Tavin was so excited from the moment he woke up and I reminded him that Huxley was coming. Tav rolls over and says, "Huck-hu?" So precious!

Huxley likes coming over to see all the boys toys my guys have and he is a great distraction for Koen and Tavin. Here are some pictures of the little guys at work (Koen kind of oversaw their activity for the first hour or so, very sweet actually)...After the boys started getting bored with the first floor, we headed to the playroom. By 10:45am it was clear that I needed to get Koen out somewhere or he would self-destruct (or teach the little boys every wrong thing in the book). So, I suited up the three little men and we took the wagon with Huck and Tav in it and Koen walked and we headed to the playground. It was a good call, but colder than I thought! The boys all loved the fresh air and exercise. Tavin loved having Huxley to follow around on the playground equipment. Koen actually ran around a little with the school kids. When it got close to lunchtime (and my hands were pretty icy), we headed home a little before noon. The boys then had a little more time to play before Huck had to leave. They got really into all the trucks and rescue vehicles and did quite well playing calmly until Hilary got here.It was a really nice morning. A change from our regular pace and I love seeing Tavin develop his little friendship with Huck. Koen actually did well most of the time "helping" with the little boys. After Huck left the boys and I had lunch and of course, still more play. Man, a day can seem long when most of it is at home! It was all very fine. Koen is just having a hard time disciplining himself to actually listen to the things I say and therefore he then disobeys on so many little things. But I know that being consistent is important, so then there's a time out and we just do this around and around and around all day. It's so exhausting! Definitely for me and probably for him too!

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