Monday, September 23, 2013

Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Nana!!

As I mentioned in my last post, Nana came to town this weekend to attend a Pirates Game with Koen and Doug.  Doug's mom (aka, Nana) has been a Pirates fan since she was a little girl and attended games with her dad.  She loves the opportunity to come back and catch a game every once in awhile.  And since this could be a historic year, we had to find a game that worked for she and Doug (and their sidekick, Koen) to get to a game.  Thankfully this weekend ended up working out and they went to the 1:30pm game on Sunday.  Doug was able to take the afternoon office hours and evening services off for the event, but he did work in the AM.  I enjoyed having Nana's company (and help) with the 3 boys on Sunday morning.  Here she is, such a pro with 3 boys.

Tavin was such a good sport (ha, no pun intended!) about not attending the Pirates game.  Doug had initially thought that he would take both the big boys, but we decided that since the Pirates are at such an important part of the season Doug and his mom would want to stay the whole game and that could be a little too long for Tav.  I broke it to him gently and tried to make it sound super awesome to get extra Mommy, Tavin, Penn Rye time.  It almost worked, but I saw he was sad, then I said, "well, you know what the best part of a ball game is anyways?...Peanuts!"  So, Tavin had his own Pirates Peanut Party, hat included.
He had no problem waving goodbye to Koen and Nana after that and we had a nice afternoon together before nap.  Meanwhile, Koen and Nana went first back to Oakland to pick up Doug and then they all drove down together to ride the T into the city for the game (Doug is the best at figuring the fastest way out of town from sporting events).  Here's Nana & Koen riding the T.
And here they are settled at the game.
Unfortunately, the Pirates lost the game, but the Melder family scored a big win with having Nana here for a special visit.  Thanks for coming, Nana.  We love you!

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