Sunday, September 8, 2013

Eve of Summer Evenings

It's been nice and warm the last few evenings.  Doug's been away working, so I've kept it simple with the boys.  I feel like we have to soak up all the warmth that the final days of summer offer us (hence the blog post it bad when you have to explain your post title?).  Koen earned his last Mommy's summer reading program prize this week...water balloons.  So we had fun experimenting with those.  Koen was quite brave getting shot at with them, but Tav was a little bit nervous.  

Tonight we ended up doing target practice instead of tossing to each other.  The boys loved that.  Tavin thought it was such a big deal when he would get a sprinkle of water from a bursting balloon.  Ah, simple pleasures.  =)  While I was getting dinner ready (and therefore unable to fill water balloons) the boys developed their own game.  They made a train to take Penn and I places.  Tav was the one who got coal and Koen was the driver.  Oh my goodness, the cuteness.  I love it when they play productively and wonderfully together.  It's literally one of the best things to see in one of my mommy days.  After dinner the big bros took Penn and I all over tarnation on their "train."  It was fantastic.  Here they are blowing the whistle so I don't miss the train.  Penn is in the baby play area part of the train.

I had to keep snapping.  Too cute.

And I got the best picture of Koen tonight.  He's been struggling with this transition to first grade.  I've been debating on a blog post about it, but I'm not there yet.  Riding out this season for a little bit and praying (and crying) over it all.  Anyways, I just love this pure, sweet glimpse of my sweet Koen.  I love you, bud!
Well, that's it for now.  Hopefully this weather continues.  I am loving that we are spending so much time comfortably outdoors (especially since Doug is working A LOT).  

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying especially for Koen this week, asking God that He increase Koen's patience and trust ... and his comfort level with his teachers. It's not easy for a strong-minded boy to trust the Potter's Hand ... but it will come to Koen. Anyways, I'll be praying for him this week, in special way. Love you guys.
