Monday, September 30, 2013

Craft Conundrum

I'm looking for input here.  What do you do with all the crafts, coloring pages and scribbles your kids produce?  Look at what my boys made in just one night.  

Pages and pages of things that they then think are works of art, special momentos to be kept by their beds or carried all over the house.  I mean, I think they are pretty great and all, but at this rate I feel that we don't need to (nor can we find a place) to keep all of these!  I put favorites on some display boards in the playroom and on the fridge, but then what to do with the rest?  I usually let them hang around for a day or so and then they somehow make their way into the trash can (oops).  Unfortunately the boys are catching onto this trend and it's heartbreaking when they take it personally.  Should I ask what can be thrown away?  Should I give them a choice to keep one favorite at the end of a coloring bonanza like last night's?  Would love your feedback!


  1. I'm sure they'd love to make a scrapbook. Three hole punch a special hard-stock cover (another craft project! ) ... use string or colored yard to "bind" it ... and fill 'er up.

  2. Don't know if this helps, but I usually throw some stuff away without asking, and also ask for help to go through the clip on the refrigerator (when it gets too full). Miles is pretty used to it now, and if fine helping to decide. I also pretty much just toss things that are just cut and paste or 'pre-made' crafty activities. Recently I made an art portfolio for them for our art class with a piece of poster board folded in half with duck tape on the ends. Hole punched and made a handle with ribbon. It's under my 'Art' Pinterest board I think. We miss seeing you guys!

    1. Hi Deborah! Thanks for your helpful hint. I forgot about the art portfolio thing. We did that in school growing up. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who throws stuff away either (and even without asking!). =)

      We miss you too!


  3. Hi Amy,
    Faith churns out enough art for 4 kids! I rotate some of it on a hanging wire with clips in the play room, but they know I ruthlessly pitch stuff (daily) from book bags, and that is just the way it is! I have, however, placed special piece of art in large envelopes to give to family members at Christmas. There are enough aunts, uncles and grandparents to share the art-love with, and then they can ooh and ahh over it and throw it away at their house! :)

    1. Thanks, Krissy! I love the idea of having envelopes for loved ones for Christmas to put some of the special pieces in that still don't fit here. And I'm also comforted to know that I'm not the only mom who throws so much away!
