Sunday, September 29, 2013

Miss Kassi Visits & A Super Fun Wedding

This weekend was loaded with anticipation.  Doug and I have been close with a sweet, young couple from our church for years and particularly during their engagement.  This weekend was their wedding which Doug was officiating.  On top of this super exciting event, Miss Kassi was coming into town for the wedding and blessed us with a day of her time in the Burgh.  She came in Thursday night.  Oddly, Koen had Friday off.  Doug took the big boys out on a bike ride along the Allegheny in the AM so that Kassi could visit with a mommy friend at our house (with me and Penn included of course).  Here's the fun that Doug had with the big kids.  Tav is really into his tricycle right now, but I think that we should just go ahead and put him on a bike with training wheels.
Sweet morning sun brother shot along the river.  Pittsburgh is a pretty place.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Another picture to prove the point.
After Kassi and I finished our lovely visit with our friend and her daughters, we packed up for a walk to meet the big boys and Doug for lunch over at Bakery Square.  I was a little behind the 8-ball (really lost motivation after the crazy day on Thursday!), so Kassi made friends with Penn while I packed up his lunch.  He is not the friendliest baby when I'm around, so this was amazing.  Thank goodness for electronic devices.  Kassi spent most of the time showing Penn videos of her son, Lincoln.
We had a fun lunch out on yet another gorgeous early Fall day.  Here's Penn stuffing his face wondering why on earth Kassi and I would stop for a photo.
The rest of Friday was low key (which we needed!) until Doug went to do the rehearsal.  Thankfully our evening went quite well and I could chill after the boys were down (seriously this week wore me out!).  Saturday was a great re-coup day as well.  We had some family time in the morning including a full family walk to Whole Foods in the AM (it had been a long time since we took a big walk all together, we are always dividing and conquering it seems!).  A little before noon our friend, Taylor, arrived to babysit all 3 boys (brave woman!) while Doug and I went to Dan & Steph's wedding about an hour away.  The wedding was beautiful and mostly just overwhelming in God's goodness and all He can do in the lives of those who give their lives wholeheartedly to Him.  It was just a blessing to be in attendance and witness that.  Doug did a lovely job with the ceremony and we were so thankful to be a part of the special day.  Here's Kassi and I at the reception in a cool, old barn on the Overton property where Frick was born where the wedding took place.
Here's a picture of another location on the grounds where the ceremony took place.  Very picturesque!  But you had to be there to experience the power in the special moments of this wedding day!
Doug and I had a blast at the reception.  So many of our friends from North Way were there and we just relaxed and enjoyed their company (and probably danced more than we have in fun!).  We still headed home on the early side since Pastor Doug had to preach 4 times the next day and I had my usual Sunday Mommy duty.  We came home to a great report from Miss Taylor (although she had her hands full, she pulled it off beautifully and the boys did quite well it sounds like at least).  Here are a few pictures she (or Koen) grabbed on her phone.  This is Penn soon after we left.  He never cried after I snuck out on him.  I was relieved and so happy (and pretty proud of Taylor, she must be something special!).
A Koen selfie.  Since Taylor was a new babysitter (although a good friend we completely trusted), I don't think he tried all his usual tricks.  We had some reports of attempts to push the limits, but I think with his tiredness after the school week combined with the unfamiliarity with the babysitter, he was pretty tame.  This picture might not be the best example of that of course.
Taylor texted me specifically about how much she enjoyed listening to Tav on the monitor play on his own in his room after naptime.  Looks like he was really imagining something!
Taylor's husband visited for a bit of the intense time between the end of nap and bedtimes to lend a helping hand.  He got a chance to get the easy job (Penn) and Penn looks like he's on guard, but not protesting.  Pretty cute!  And I love that they coordinate!
 Thanks so much to Taylor (and Chase).  Doug and I were so thankful to be able to enjoy the wedding and reception with full confidence in the sitter back home.  The boys had lots of nice things to say about "Miss Taylor" today.  Pretty cute.  Tavin specifically requested that she come back.  =)

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