Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simple Saturday

Again, there is a lot to accomplish in the naptime break this afternoon, so I'm going to keep this very brief.

We've had a simple, but meaningful day together. It's great to be back home tag-teaming with Doug. He missed his little guys so much (and me a little bit too). We are enjoying being a family again.

He got the boys up this morning (can you tell by Tav's outfit? the too small sweatpants, the oversized sneakers and the big smile).Then we had a nice pancake breakfast together before Koen and I dyed Easter eggs together in the backyard.
Then I headed to Target (I'm attempting to save like crazy with every trip, so it's hard to take the boys as I try to gain efficiency in shopping with about 30 coupons per trip) and Doug stayed here with the boys. They played mechanic cute!

When I got home, Koen (and Doug) had made us all lunch and the boys were happily stuffing their faces and I quickly joined them (saving money can stir up quite an appetite!).

Koen and I are making up for being away before Easter and trying to have some meaningful moments to chat about what Easter is really all about. I tried to bring it up while we were decorating the eggs and we chatted about it briefly then, but I came across this great activity to do with kids on one of the coupon blogs I follow. It's called Empty Tomb Cookies. It was a fantastic way to talk about the whole story of what Jesus did for us as we made the cookies. One of the final steps is taping the oven door shut = sealing the tomb. We are to leave the cookies in there until the morning (you actually turn the oven off and they rise on their own) and then we will check in the "tomb" in the AM. When we take the cookies out at that time, the middles of them are supposed to appear empty when you bite into them (I hope it works!). Anyways, as we went through the process today Koen actually made some really interesting comments that made me feel like he did understand and was thinking about some of what we were discussing. I look forward to celebrating with him in the morning that, "He is not here, He has risen!"

Here's a link to the activity if you are interested (I encourage a read-through, very thoughtful!).

Ok, back to work!

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