Saturday, April 9, 2011

Birthday Weekend, Part II

The low-key birthday celebrations continued today (even though Koen's bday is really the 10th). Koen woke up in the night complaining of a stomach ache and I thought we were in for another treat of the stomach bug. Thankfully he woke up in the morning feeling fine, but unfortunately I did have a stomach ache. Doug was able to come home early from a long morning meeting so that I could go back to bed which made all the difference in me holding it together today. Thanks, babe!

We scattered Koen's present-opening throughout the day. He got to open his dinosaur puzzle while Tavin was napping, so he and Daddy could play something special while Mommy slept (yeah, super exciting birthday here).At lunchtime we let him open a few more presents, including the most exciting present yet...Action Chugger! It's just a train for his tracks from the Chuggington show he enjoys from time to time. After we gave him this gift, he was basically entertained the rest of the day.Thomas coloring book. I thought he was going to be bummed it wasn't a toy, but he was actually really excited about it.A birdhouse to build with Daddy (totally recycled gift, we got it for free 2 Springs ago at an Earth Day thing). And here it is...ACTION CHUGGER (it's a train that flies, really exciting for a 3/4 year old apparently!).

Koen and Doug got the mail on the porch (with Action Chugger of course) and he was so excited that there was a card for him. Thanks, Gramma & Grampa. He enjoyed it! After lunch, we had invited Delia and her family over to celebrate Koen's birthday with a mini ice cream party. The two buddies were adorable. Here's the video...

They really enjoyed eating ice cream and playing and so did their siblings. Tavin and Huxley are coming into their own!The boys crashed for naptime (although Koen woke up after less than an hour, but thankfully played happily for an hour or so on his own - the Action Chugger helped!). Afterwards we let Koen open his last few gifts...a Thomas book and 2 more chuggers!! Again, he was thrilled. He didn't stop playing with these engines through dinner or on our post-dinner walk to the playground. I think tomorrow is probably taken care of too!Here he is flying Action Chugger to the playground (see I'm not making it up, literally he didn't let go of that thing all day!). Tavin was so excited to be outside crawling through the tunnels. He just crawled back and forth for about 20 minutes. He was chatting and laughing the whole time. Love it! Doug took Koen duty on the big boy playground. Koen had fun. He was out of steam though. I guess it's a lot to deal with a birthday weekend when you are turning 4. Oh well, they are in bed, sleeping away. Ahhhh...

It was a good day despite the rough start and the fact it was so low-key. Thankfully, he is only 4 and doesn't really care. We put our hearts into today and that's all that matters. =)

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