Friday, June 8, 2012

Waiting, Waiting...

Boring post title, but literally that's all that's on my mind!  Although we are still 21 days from the due date, with Monday's news from the doctor, I've just felt like any day could be the arrival date.  So that means I keep re-doing everything to prep...fridge stocked, instructions written and printed for both boys, house clean (this one I'm really driving myself nuts on, it gets undone so fast!), etc.  Not to mention how badly we want to meet this one (and how I'm ready to have my belly back to myself - this baby is a mover and shaker, I've been on quite a ride for months now, but as its grown it's gotten really intense!  

Anyways, as we wait, I keep myself and the boys busy with this gorgeous weather, friends and fun times as much as I can.  It's hard to make plans too far ahead as we are in this waiting pattern, so it was nice when a neighborhood and preschool friend contacted me last night asking to meet up at the Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library.  And after waking up this morning still pregnant, I happily accepted. =)

We enjoyed our walk to the PTLL and then the boys had a blast using all the toys and equipment there.  I like going because they are so content with all the new things to play with that I get to sit down and just watch most of the time.  Koen and his friend, Miri, had a blast together.  They get a little wild, but honestly, in a place with four walls, they managed OK.  Tavin spent most of his time on different riding toys.  His favorite find was a tractor with a trailer.  The whole time he said, "row dass," which is his phrase for, "mow grass."

We spent most of our morning at the PTLL and then we had our walk home, which was just gorgeous.  This weather has been amazing.  I made the boys lunch and then they played in the living room until naptime.  I was dying to get back outside, but it's so hard to squeeze that in before nap sometimes.  Today was one of those days as Tavin was literally asking to go to nap at 1pm, "Tatin, go nap now peese, Mommy."  Priceless.  We did a lot of snuggling until we went up to nap.  

Tav, of course, took a great nap after that tired plea.  Koen didn't nap, but he did OK hanging in his room.  He's really enjoying the new library books and audio books we picked up yesterday.  After naptime, Doug and I took the boys to the Strawberry Festival at Shadyside Presbyterian Church to meet up with Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan and their boys.  I was so happy to be outside again.  It was a lot of fun for all of us.  They had cute little games which Koen got to do a few of and then we headed to the little bounce house.  It was Tav's first experience in one and he loved it!  He is so brave and just loved doing body slams and jumps all around.  Koen did a good job trying not to slam into the little ones, but Tav definitely took big brother's knee into his back once.  He bounced back though (no pun intended) in order to finish their five minutes in the bounce house.  Here are a few shots of the happy little guy getting this special, new experience...

We got home for bedtime and then Doug made he and I a delicious meal on the grill and we ate it on the front porch chatting and watching the sun set.  A really lovely way to end the day.  Don't worry everyone, we'll keep you posted.  Pray for us as we wait, it's definitely a strain on me emotionally and mentally, but we know the Lord has a perfect plan for when this little one should arrive.

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