Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Brother Break

What a gorgeous day!  The storms that blew through and around us last night made for a gorgeous morning with no humidity and temps in the high-60's!  I was excited to take the boys on a long walk to the library and a few other quick stops without worrying about intense heat or humidity.  On our way home from the library we took a pit-stop to eat some peanuts and play at a small playground that we rarely stop at.  Koen was excited to conquer the monkey bar sphere thing that he was unable to do the last time we stopped here (see, it's been a long time).  Tavin was just happy because he's so easy-going.  Here's Koen, the climber, who was so proud of himself that he asked for pictures to be taken...

Here's happy Tavin...

Before we left, the boys came up with a really cute game where Koen would drive he and Tavin to different locations and then they would pretend to get out and do something, then get back in the car for another adventure.  It's so sweet to watch them pretend-play like this together.  Although Tavin's vocabulary isn't super advanced yet, he totally gets these concepts already and definitely follows everything his brother tells him.  Here are the little travelers amidst one of their adventures...

Koen barely managed to have the energy to get up the hill without me pushing him in the stroller (which was not an option with all the library books we had!), but we did eventually make it.  The boys had a simple lunch and then it was time to take them up for nap.  I'm looking forward to 5pm as we are heading right back outside and walking to Shadyside to meet Doug for dinner (awesome discovery of half-price small pizzas at Bites & Brews during happy hour and outdoor seating!  Great, cheap family dinner!).

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