Thursday, June 28, 2012

Penn's Homecoming

This morning was our scheduled discharge time from the hospital.  We were excited to come home and get started in our new routine as a family of 5 (plus a super helpful Gramma!).  But we were also sad to leave these precious hours of one-on-one time with our new little Penn with no other major responsibilities.  We had had a great night with Penn as he is doing great with nursing and he seems to be more tired and sleeping between feedings really well as he recharges from his busy first days!  Then this morning he did great with his pediatrician check-in.  He's only lost 4 oz. and my milk has come in, so hopefully we will have that made up by his first appointment on Saturday.  I checked out fine with my doctor and we had some relaxation time before getting packed up and out the door.  Here are a few final snuggle pictures before we got Tavin ready for his first car seat ride...

Then we had fun (although Penn didn't really care for it) suiting him up in his going home outfit from Gramma.

After he got all riled up he was rooting around like crazy even though he was all set food-wise.  I was settling him down and he went after my cheek.  It felt so precious - little kisses from Penn!

Then we put him in the car seat and he loved it and went straight back to sleep.  What a little trooper!  
Since we live just blocks from the hospital we were home in a flash and Tavin and Gramma were waiting on the front porch for us.  Tavin was very curious about his new little brother.  He spent quite a lot of time inspecting him and asking me questions about him.  Very special!

A little while later Koen got home and he immediately wanted to hold Penn.  He is already very protective and wants to be with Penn every minute.  I'm sure the newness will wear off, but I'm thankful he is such a sweet, caring older brother (even if it's a little intense that he wants to be all over Penn).

Well, it's been a good afternoon/evening back at home.  A little overwhelming to me as I know I need to chill out and not do too much, but I have so much I want to organize and just be able to do my normal duties.  Thankfully my Mom is here taking care of most of my normal routine (amazing!), so I have no excuse and need to take care of myself so that I will back to my usual self in the coming days.  Doug's handling most of the responsibility of the boys now that he's home, but he also managed to get some snuggle time with Penn after the big boys were in bed.  Pretty cute!
We love you, Penn.  Welcome to your new home!  Many memories to be made for sure!


  1. Congratulations from Richmond, VA. Make it a GREAT DAY!


  2. Amy, I love you and your precious family. You look radiant, as usual and again I am blown away by how you handle everything! You do NOT look like you just had a baby--Doug is a lucky man! Give the boys extra cuddles for me--I hope to meet that handsome Penn soon. He and Lincoln are destined to be buds. Love you guys
