Sunday, June 10, 2012

Simple, Fun Weekend

Doug and I are keeping our schedules as open as possible so that we can just roll with the punches as we get close to the due date (and especially with last week's news from the doctor). So, although this weekend seemed like the perfect weekend to welcome baby #3 into our family, that wasn't the Lord's plan, so instead we had a nice weekend the 4 of us.  Yesterday Doug and Koen took the van out for some errands early and Tavin and I went out on foot for a few errands of our own.  We all met back at home late in the morning.  Doug again hacked away at more yardwork (2012 has turned to be the year of the yard!).  The boys each "helped."  One of the errands Doug and Koen did was to stop at Home Depot for some play sand to fill the sand box we were given this week.  Here are the boys enjoying their new playspace (under an umbrella for some much needed shade).
We all ate lunch in the backyard and then afterwards the boys needed a pre-nap cool-off in the sprinkler.  They definitely enjoy the sprinkler this year, but unfortunately like everything else, Koen has figured out all the things you can't do with the sprinkler so we had a lot of rule-setting with this sprinkler event.  Why can't little boys just enjoy something rather than always push the limits?  Anyways, after that full morning practically all outside, the boys were exhausted and napped great.  Koen and Doug had a small bike ride after naptime and Tavin and I vacuumed (Tavin would put vacuuming on the same par as a fun bike ride I think, he follows me around with a push toy making vacuum noises, it's awesome!).  When Doug and Koen got back Doug made us all a delicious dinner on the grill.  I've loved having a break from cooking this weekend, thanks babe!  

Today Doug of course went to work and the boys and I soon followed to the 9am service.  I had packed snacks, lunch and their swim stuff and we headed to the Troy Hill Spray Park (weather forecast said 89 today!).  The boys were so excited.  Tavin was not as confident in the spray park as I thought he would be after his comfort level with our sprinkler, but he managed to try out enough things to keep cool.  Here are the boys enjoying the park.

There is also a little playground next to the spray park.  The boys enjoyed that just as much.  Koen met a few other little boys (ages 6 & 8).  I love seeing him learn how to make friends and it was even more fun to watch him care for Tavin.  He announced to the boys that they shouldn't bother with Tavin, that Tav is his "baby brother" and that he can't talk (I think the boys were trying to ask Tavin questions and Tav just kept saying, "um, er, yeah," or "um, er, no" his new responses to everything).  Koen also has no quams leading older kids which is an interesting trait to see.  These boys were really sweet as I'm sure some wouldn't put up with it, but Koen totally came up with a game for them to play (he said they should have a boy's club and even declared party of the playground a clubhouse).  Then he gave them orders for things they should do.  Definitely on the bossy side, but I gotta say that it's nice to see that your little boy has confidence and leadership qualities.  Not always are our playground experiences this positive, so I thought I would type up this good note.  Tavin was exhausted and is napping now, Koen definitely seemed tired, but I don't mind when he doesn't nap as it usually makes the evening lay-down a lot more straight forward, so I let him stay up to play in his room today.  I'll get him at "the 4" as he calls 4pm, so I better sign off for now.  A great weekend with our little family of four.  Still can't wait to meet the newest member that will bring us to a family of five, but all in God's timing!

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