Saturday, June 2, 2012

Koen's First Trophy

Koen had his last soccer practice today.  They played a bunch of scrimmages and he said he did get to kick the ball a lot.  He seemed happy about that, which was great.  Since Doug is out of town, I had dropped him off and then I had neighbors ready to bring him home in case my brunch wasn't over.  It actually ended up getting done at the perfect time so that I could get back over to the field and see the end of their closing program and then hangout with him at the brief cookout.  Here's a picture of Koen sitting with his team, I've circled him in red.
Koen was so excited about his cute little trophy that all the players received today.  He was thrilled about it.  He couldn't keep his hands, eyes or mind off of it.  I was able to get this picture of he and his buddy, Silas.  
And then as you can see they were quickly back to being mesmerized by the treasure of their accomplishment.
Koen actually knew about the trophies coming since last week, so he had plenty of time to get his expectations up.  One day he told Doug and I, "Mommy, next week at soccer, we are getting trophies.  We might get other stuff too.  I think I might even get a pot of gold!"  Doug and I burst out laughing.  So cute!  Well, no pot of gold today, but Koen was plenty hyped up about trophy that he didn't remember. =)  Good job, buddy.  You have completed your first organized sport season!

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