Saturday, April 28, 2012

V is for Violin

Koen's preschool class continues to work their way through the alphabet and as the year is nearing a close, they are also nearing the letter Z.  This week was V week.  Doug enjoyed his time with Koen's class during P week so much that he offered to coordinate a special activity for V week as well.  With all the talented musicians at our church, Doug was sure he could find a few violinists that would be willing to come in and play for the kids and perhaps teach them a thing or two about violins.  Doug took Koen early yesterday and they picked up Stephanie and Molly at Pitt on their way to school (with a stop at Starbucks as a little thank you to the girls).  These girls are so talented.  They have blessed us by serving in the worship ministry at our church and I know they blew away the teachers at preschool with their impressive music skills as well as their way with the children.  The kids were all big fans and enjoyed the special presentation.  
Here is an example of what they did.  The class is singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" as the girls play.  
The girls also showed the kids how to pluck and they all got a turn.  Here's a shot of Koen taking his turn.
Thanks so much to Stephanie and Molly.  Koen's teachers loved your visit and I'm sure all the kids appreciated the fun change of pace.  We were so thankful you could come in yesterday.  And congratulations finishing your finals!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Amy! I really enjoyed coming to Koen's preschool!

