Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Good Part of My Day

I debated on having this post called, "Ode to a Pity Party," but I decided to try and aim for something a little more positive. Here's my best attempt...

It's been quite frustrating with Koen the last few days. The few weeks out of the ordinary with trips, getaways and no preschool compounded by days in a row with no Daddy around left him very rebellious, super silly and just downright frustrating the past few days for me. On top of that, I have been struggling with laryngitis for a month now and it pains me to strain to keep the boys in check even using a soft tone (actually it's been quite helpful in keeping self-control in the way that I speak to Koen). Anyways, I'm an exhausted, emotional wreck for the most part. There hasn't been a whole lot to blog about either as this week flew with Koen back at preschool on Wednesday, I painted half of our 2nd floor area with a friend on Wednesday, Thursday was packed with keeping the boys busy and then small group and Friday Koen was at preschool again (thankfully!). Yesterday Koen had an exciting morning as he started his first organized sport, soccer. He is on a little league with the goal of just learning skills and teamwork and Doug is assisting in coaching. While they were at soccer from 10:30am to 12:30pm I had the "good part of my day" I referenced in the title. Tavin and I went on a walk to run a few simple errands closeby and then went to Osceola for some play. It was so relaxing to just be with my littlest buddy and he was very pleasant. Here are a few pictures as we played peekaboo and truck driver.
My favorite part of our playground visit was playing ball with Tavin. I think he and I will always bring a ball to the playground now. He had a blast chasing after the ball and throwing it to me. We laughed and smiled and it was so refreshing after all the frustration I've been dealing with at home. Around noon we got back home and we played upstairs and then skyped with Gramma and Grampa which he absolutely loved. Then Koen got home and it was much of the same from the last few days before naptime. Ugh.

I'm really praying for a refreshed attitude as I know I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting and starting every new moment with Koen as a fresh start. It's so exhausting. Hopefully tonight will be a good step to a better week.

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