Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Special Tavin Time

I can't say enough how much I enjoy my days with Tavin.  We absolutely love our days with big brother, but these preschool days when it's just Tavin and I doing our own thing are to be treasured for sure.  This morning we hung around the house and played for awhile, then we took a walk to Whole Foods.  After that we were headed to Shadyside to visit Kassi's new baby, Lincoln again (Tavin and I are both crazy about babies!).  It was our first time needing to use the walking bridge that just opened a few months which connects the East Side complex to Ellsworth Avenue.  I took a picture (with the timer!) for the occasion.  People probably thought I was nuts. =)
I didn't end up getting any pictures of us with Lincoln, which I'm bummed about because he is such a cutie and he was totally awake!  I was too distracted chatting with my good friend, Kassi, holding sweet Lincoln and keeping Tavin busy (he was of course awesome with this adult visit as usual on our days together).  On the way home I let him walk on the streets leading to our house where there isn't much traffic and no big hills to keep a pace up.  He was so proud of himself.  Close to home he found a stick to keep with him.  He kept pointing it at me and making a funny sound (like a magic wand with a cold perhaps?) and then one time he said, "baby" and made the noise.  I guess he was doing the same thing to the baby in my belly.  Hilarious.  Such a personality in this little guy.  Here he is with his stick.  Not the best pic since his hat is low, but he's so cute in his little overalls and he would be happy to know that everyone can see him being a big boy walking on the way home.
Well, my Tavington Bear, thanks for another great day together.  I will be sad when the preschool year ends for several reasons, but the biggest one will be that we will be ending this sweet chapter in your young life.  Our mornings for just you and I to be together.  Don't worry, buddy, with big brother in Kindergarten 5 mornings a week next year and our baby only a few months old, we'll still get some special moments.  But I have to say I am soaking up these final weeks of "Special Tavin Time."

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