Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Springtime at the Zoo

Yesterday we spent the morning at the zoo with my friend, Hilary and her two kids, Delia and Huxley. Koen was so thrilled to get a whole morning with Delia. They haven't spent as much time together in recent months as they have conflicting school schedules. Koen literally gets sad about it on a regular basis, so he was so happy that during Spring Break he would have a special playdate with "D."

It was a brisk and sunny morning that turned into a mild midday, so it was perfect for walking around the zoo. We stayed longer on this trip than we ever have with the boys I think. 3 hours! It was fantastic. Koen and Delia were more interested in animals now that they are nearing 5 and our pace was slower due to the fact that Tavin and Huxley were often interested in walking themselves.

Tavin was quite cranky. I think he is just longing for a day at home to chill out and get back to normal after our vacation and then a busy weekend, but with Koen off of school again this week that is just not an option. We have to keep big brother outside and busy or things just go haywire at home. His body is used to hours at the beach and pool to tire him out, so now we are just trying to burn off as much energy as possible in the fresh Spring air.

The animals were actually really out and I love it when that happens. Here are the best pictures I could get of the kids checking them out. A glimpse of our great visit to the zoo.

The flamingos must be in mating season because they usually do nothing, but yesterday they were shrieking and flailing their wings at each other. It was quite a show. Although we moved on for fear that things could get more graphic. =)The leopard has a cool new home. We've seen him there before, but today was especially fun as he was pacing along the glass waiting for lunch. Tavin and Huxley look like they are right next to him. Tavin loves animals, so he enjoyed being so close to the leopard. With all the animals we saw we practiced their names and he would imitate whatever they were doing. The tigers were licking their lips, so Tav did it. The lions were licking their paws, so he pretended to wash his, etc. Super cute.Here's Tavin checking out an ostrich. Sorry no face pictures. It's hard to get their faces and the animals in the same shot. But Tav's chunky cheeks and sweet ears are cute. =)Delia was excited to show us a bench where she and her family always take a pit stop on their walk through the zoo. It's right behind the elephants and faces the giraffes. Huxley was off with his mom still looking at elephants, so I at least got the 3 of them together.Like I said, Tav was very cranky. He wanted to pull the wagon, then he would be tired, then hungry, then he wouldn't want Huck to ride in the wagon, then he would want in the wagon, then out, etc. All the while he kept suggesting, "home," in his pathetic little voice. So as we made our way up the big hill past the bear caves to the aquarium he started going in the bushes pouting. I started our game of, "hmmm, where's Tavin?" He brightened up instantly! He would stand with his back to me and then eventually after I exhausted all possible solutions he would spin around smiling and say, "Hi, Mommy!" So precious. My favorite picture of the day.As we came out of the aquarium, the polar bear was right by the glass at the top of his exhibit. The kids all ran back and forth and he would follow them. It was really cute. This was the only picture I could get as Koen required a little too much attention as he was really into running back and forth, yelling at the top of his lungs and I was afraid he would knock someone over or deafen someone. Oh brother!After we wound through the rest of the outdoor aquarium exhibits we sat down to lunch. We finished our trip with a visit to the seals (Tavin loved it!) and then Koen and Delia had fun on the slides for about 20 minutes while Tavin watched. It was a great visit to the zoo. So much fun to be there with good friends and seeing my boys with some of their best buds, not to mention I got to hang out with one of my best friends too. Thanks Hilary, Delia and Huck. We loved hanging out with you!

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