Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Koen's 5 Year Checkup

Today was Koen's 5 year appointment. I can't believe how grown up he is! He weighed 39.6 lbs and was 44 inches tall. His weight was in the 50th percentile and his height in the 75th. He's been pretty consistent for years in these percentiles. The doctor mentioned how he's going to be tall and Koen was excited thinking about getting taller than msyelf and his Daddy most likely! Here is the tall 5 year old doing his eye test. They didn't tell me what his vision was, but it seemed to me that his left eye was stronger than his right, but maybe that was just because he had to do his right eye first and he was more familiar with the line of letters the second time around.
Next Koen had a hearing test. He was supposed to say, "beep," every time he heard a noise in his ear from the testing instrument. He didn't really get it the first few times, but eventually he put it all together. It was really cute watching him trying to figure it out. The nurse was really patient with him.
Koen was very cooperative. Even about wearing the funny papertowel/blue marshmallow covering they gave him. He really likes our doctor who is great at making Koen feel comfortable and important. The strength tests were Koen's favorite because the doctor kept telling him how strong he was. 

Tavin was quite unsure of what exactly was going on. He looks a little dismayed. He was a trooper as usual though, just hanging out and being patient. It was cute when the doctor first came in because the doctor kept asking Koen questions and Tavin kept answering in his gibberish/real words. It was so adorable.

It is such a blessing to leave the doctor's office with such a strong, healthy big boy. I'm so thankful for the boys' health and strength. What an amazing gift.

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