Friday, April 20, 2012

Playground with the Boys

On Thursday, Sarah and I had plans to hang out with our dear friend, Kelly. In order to make the most of our hours together, I knew it would be necessary to get the boys outside. Girl talk amidst noisy boy clatter and chatter was not going to work at the house. The decibel level would've probably shattered the windows. =) So, we went to Osceola and the boys had a blast! Richard just loved checking out a new place and trying to keep up with my boys also kept him busy.Koen and Tavin actually played with each other quite well. Koen brought his bike, so he got lots of energy out and Tavin wanted to be just like brother, so he dragged the stroller around the playground for most of the time. He also loved playing on the big playground equipment this time, which was a neat development. Here's a few tries at a picture of all three of the guys...Needless to say, the boys had a great time and we girls actually had a good bit of time to chat it up, so my plan worked very well. Ahh. After about 2 hours out, we took the boys back for lunch and then a little playtime before naps. Tavin oddly didn't ever fall asleep and Richard had an on and off kind of nap. Koen, the 5 year old, slept soundly. Weird! Oh well, they'll all balance out eventually.

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