Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Koen's 5th Birthday at Findley Lake

Although we made no big plans for Koen's birthday (which I kind of like keeping birthdays simple), Koen's birthday became somewhat of a 3 day celebration just because we were away at the cottage leading up to his birthday. It was great to celebrate with Gary and Lisa the night of Easter. On Monday, we didn't do much for his birthday until after naptime. That's when we let Koen up his presents. He had been asking about them since we arrived at the cottage, but more importantly, Doug and I thought it would be fun to give him the time to play with the few gifts we got him before having to leave for home. Koen has gotten so much better about opening gifts and appreciating them for what they are instead of always wanting more or something different. Tavin sat in between Koen and I and big brother let him "help" unwrap. Koen requested that we sing "Happy Birthday" before opening every present. I personally loved this idea as I love to drag out celebrations. Doug even told Koen to take his time and enjoy opening the presents and not rush it. It was a fun few minutes. First we had Koen open a Crayola kit for his developing crafting skills.Next he opened a Matchbox toy which is a pickup truck initially that has interchangeable parts to make a submarine, a helicopter and another vehicle. Koen was really excited about this toy/building challenge.And last, but of course not least, a scooter!!! Look at the surprise. He looks at me like he can't believe I actually would think of something like this for him. So precious!Of course we set the other presents aside for later and he went right outside with Doug and tested out the scooter. Tavin was a little upset about not having a "sooter," so we stayed inside together for a few extra minutes to get him into a better spirit. Poor guy. It's hard being the little brother sometimes. I told him he'd get a scooter when he was 5 and I reminded him about his wagon at home. As soon as I mentioned wagon "ra ra" he was happy again and we joined the big guys outside and ended up throwing rocks into the lake for about 30 minutes. Here are the few pictures I got of Koen on the scooter test drive while comforting Tav.Koen really couldn't believe we got him a scooter. Later he asked me. "How did you know to get me a scooter?" "But isn't it expensive and cost a lot of monies?" "Thanks so much for my scooter, Mommy." I definitely appreciate the gratitude. And it was a good chance to talk about saving too (not to mention Mommy bought it on sale of course). Hoping to pass this frugal thing on to the kids, never too early to start!

The rest of the night was pretty relaxed. Koen and Doug worked on his Matchbox gift. We had a nice, easy dinner that Doug prepared (ahhh). After Tavin went to bed we gave Koen some ice cream with 5 candles in it and sang to him. Here's a video, but please excuse my hoarse voice, I didn't want to not sing to my son, but it's definitely not pleasant sounding.
The boys slept great again and then it was time for the real deal. Koen's 5th birthday!! Here he is at breakfast opening a card from Gramma and Grampa.A little later it was his idea to bust out his new craft case and he was very willing to include Tavin. Tavin was thrilled and they enjoyed coloring and glueing and creating together. Very fun.Koen received some very loving phone calls throughout the day. There should be no doubt in Koen's mind that he is dearly loved! He was quite distracted for most of them. So much to do when you are turnning 5!!It was a more brisk day with snow/sleet on and off, but we got the boys outside for a couple of hours anyways to make the most of being up in the woods. The boys wanted to show me where they had gone to knock trees down the day before, so I walked along while they rode their bikes. It was a lot of fun trekking through the woods with them. Koen found walking sticks for all of us and Tavin loves having to go over and under branches and small trees to maneuver around. Doug and Koen found a few more trees to do "timber" with and we explored some hollowed out trunks and other random discoveries. I love being in the woods with the boys. Growing up in NH, I spent most of my days playing in our woodsy backyard, so it feels so good to let them get some time out in simple nature. I really need to make more of an effort at home to have them just explore the woods at Frick or Schenley Parks. Here's a picture of me and the happy explorer, Tavin.Tavin didn't fall in this picture. This is what he was doing for fun. He would pretend to jump over a stick and then fall to the ground and roll around. I guess my boys really do love being outdoors!!The rest of the late morning and afternoon we spent indoors. I was really surprised at how well-occupied the boys were in the confined space. At home they are often bouncing off the walls, but here, the change in atmosphere, the few fun toys that are at the cottage, the new birthday presents and just being together as a family must have been the right combination because it was a very pleasant few days.

After lunch Tav and Doug watched the birds together a little bit. Tavin was quite tired even during lunch, leaning his head on my shoulder, so cute! Koen was showing signs of tiredness too as he was getting a little intense.After lunch and some play time, we got the car loaded and put the boys to bed for nap. Doug and I enjoyed our final peaceful time away and then after the boys woke up loaded them in the car and took off. We were home in time for bedtime for the boys and got everything unpacked for the most part before our bedtime. It was a great few days away. We are so thankful for this special family time and a very fun birthday for Koen. I can't believe he's really 5!!!

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